dee *square

Monday, November 28, 2005

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dead fish is back in Singapore!!!

29th Nov 2005 Tuesday
Carpark coupon day......

After leaving work early yesterday, i was shocked to see the security guard at my workplace run up to me and tell me that i should have informed them if we were planning to leave our boss's car overnight at the office, because the poor night guard didnt know if he should lock the gates or not!! And he said that this guy (who likes to park at a particular lot) was pissed with how i parked my boss's car and told me to reverse the car back a little......... so after apologising to the guard, i walked past my boss's car and i saw this used parking coupon stuck on the car handle of the driver's door!!! Which read :

"Please be more considerate when you park your car next time!"

Wah!! Still exclamation mark me!! Anyway, i tossed that stupid coupon away into the dustbin and glared at the small toyota car in front of my boss's car. I shall illustrate my point.

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yes, as you can see, i parked the car as close as i could to the exit barrier. And that stupid small toyota car driver still insisted on squeezing into the lot in front of me. And i parked there, the night before. And apparently, this driver is damn anal about parking at that particular lot. I was asking my collegues, "Why?? He pay extra rent for that lot har?? Or does that lot have his name engraved there??!"

So i was reciting this story to my 2 collegues over lunch today and as we were about to step into our lift lobby, Scarf Lady said very loudly, "Yeah! Our lao ban also can't stand this driver!! She calls him Sei Fei Lo (translated from Cantonese - Stupid fat man)!!" and the moment she said the 3 words, "Sei Fei Lo", this really huge guy walked out of the lift!!! And he looked really pissed!! We all had this gut feeling that it was that guy, and we burst out laughing so loudly in the lift afterwards........ Gosh.... that was embarrasing! Anyway, i moved the car somewhere else, so that he can have alllll the bloody space he wants to park into that rented parking lot. Some people.........

28th Nov 2005 - Monday
Cramps again...... yucks....

when i woke up and my legs felt very sore and jelly-like, i knew that something was here. When i got to office, i was informed that my boss decided to extend her holiday till today so we could use her car to go for lunch!! Wahahhaa.... although we 3 were happy that we could drive out to somewhere more happening, we had absolutely no idea where to go and all of us didnt seem to have much of an appetite somehow.

In the end, we decided to go to Jack's Place at Bras Basah....... i had to confess to my collegues that i never stepped into Jack's Place before and they said that the set lunch was super worth it...... which was actually. For about $10, i managed to get a soup of the day, garlic bread, my main course of chicken (which was nice!), tea and desert!! The dessert was some mango ice cream with jelly and i really had no appetite to eat much today and i knew i would be killing myself if i took anything cold. So i just watched as the other 2 devoured my ice cream........

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Dunno why Susie looks so down while i look so amused with Mr Sarcastic's phone.

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Gazzie...... who got into a scary and weird encounter with a construction worker after we parted ways after this outing......... wwwwoooo...

My cramps started to act up in the middle of lunch, and by the time i got back to office, i thought i was going to die. Took some medicine and it helped for a while, but i still decided to head home at 4pm to rest. Which was a good idea, because i knocked out on my bed (again!! Whats wrong with me!) from 5-8pm.......... Mr Gorilla said i must be bitten by the Tse Tse Fly. And when i woke up, my tummy was still feeling weird. Ugh.......... And i am getting a new pimple on my face everyday!!! Super depressing......

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Wwoooo.... our dessert at Bakers Inn... Somehow Ah Meow convinced Gorilla and me to order 5 of these cutie desserts...... of course we finished it all........

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My favourite dessert was this one with the raspberry one!! That thing behind is called Floating island. It wasn't as great as the hyped up name sounded....... tasted like thick milo with some egg white floating on top... felt so cheated lor.......

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This was the pistachio something something dessert.... also wasn't too not bad..

Sunday 27th Nov 2005

Had nothing planned for the day, but while i was chatting with Mr Gorilla over msn, we both decided to go to East Coast to cycle!! Super last minute decision cause he was asking if he could go to my gym, but dunno why, think both of us decided that fresh air would be better, we decided to go cycling!! Met up at 3.30pm at Plaza to take bus 16, but he had to go to the food court to eat first. So by the time we got to the beach, it was close to 5pm. We cycled for half an hour......... and rested for an hour. Hahahahaaa!! Reminds me of the time that the Longan Gang went to Sentosa. Anyway, we thought we were cycling for a really long time, but it turned out to be half an hour only.

After resting for an hour at some breakwater at the far end of East Coast with many ants surrounding us, we decided to cycle back to the bicycle station. Our asses felt sooooo sore..... we couldnt stop complaining to each other about our sore butts.... For a while, Gorilla was quiet for a long time and when i asked him what's wrong, he just said, "Nothing!! My ass hurts so bad that Im trying not to think about it and cycle back as fast as i can!!"

So much for our Sunday exercise.

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The sky was soooo beautiful........ took this with my phone while waiting for the lights to change outside my office....... won't get to stand on this road after tomorrow......

Anyway, after both of us got off the bike, we were walking funny and we decided to walk back to the bus stop at Parkway and took a bus down to Alexandra Village for dinner. Actually, we ended up there because we didnt know where to go so we hopped onto bus 197 and we got there. Gorilla was telling me before we got onto the bus that he wants to snooze on the bus, but instead, i was the one sleeping like a log!!! Hahahaha.... And he didnt sleep because he didnt know where to stop and kept trying to wake me up! Which ended up with the 2 of us scrambling down the stairs of the double decker bus.........

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Tomorrow is my last day at work!! Woooooohoo!!

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Was just reading Miss Chinki's blog and she put up this link to (btw, this is in NO way related to my bunny's blog. this is a totally different bunny altogether.) and there was this hilarious "conversation" there which i thought was a huge coincidence in nicknames!! Wahahahaa!!

Gorilla? [This is my nick name for him]
Yes, Bunny.
I like dee ice cream
Otay Bunny. I have to go. [Annoyed, ‘I’m busy writing a book’ voice]
Otay Gorilla.
Goobye Bunny.

Meanwhile, what has happened in my life is that i have officially resigned from my current job, and i will be working till end of the month only. Things were just not going to work out at my job if we carry on working in such a non-systematic manner. And i didnt enjoy getting scoldings for no ryhme or reason. I am planning to have a wonderful one full month break in December and will only want to start a job in January. Actually, i just realised that if i stayed till next year's Chinese New Year, i just might get some New year bonus. Guess it doesnt matter anyway. Designers are born to be poor. : D

Today, was a day where i just slept for practically the whole day. I only saw the daylight for 2 hours the most and was back to bed again. Think Miss Hungry was right, she said im turning into a vampire. (dun remember our MSN conversation though, but something like that lar) After i came home at 2am the night before from an outing with the usual Longan Gang (where they made me walk in my heels from Lido Macs to Meridien outdoor foodcourt), i slept till 9am, woke up for a while, went back to bed till 2pm, Mum dragged me out of bed for lunch. While eating lunch, we were all watching "Travel and Dining" channel about some ghostly places in America and where people can go if they want a ghost tour. So all we saw were old hospitals and old buildings where spirits lurk.

Halfway through the show, my mum fell asleep. I fell asleep after the show. I got up, switched off the TV, and continued my nap on my bed. Till 6pm!!! When once again, it was time for my mum to go for her cooking class and she had to wake me up to go for dinner with my brother. Seems like i was only awake to eat. Anyway, went to Bugis with my brother (again! Im always at Bugis with him lor!) and he insisted on eating Mos Burger despite me complaining that i had it for lunch recently. I felt a little feverish for some reason, so i got him to order the veggie burger for me. The same Teriyaki Chicken patty with lettuce in place of the bread lor. It turned out to be really nice though and i felt good after that too! Think the bread can be too filling so the veggies turned out good in that sense......... and also which is resulting in me feeling hungry now at 1.44am in the morning.............

Amazingly, i do feel a little sleepy. Even after sleeping for the whole day away. I have absolutely no life lately. Hahahaa.....

I commented to Bunny the other night that i think she gives out bimbo vibes and i find myself acting a little too bimbotic for my own good lately. And for some reason, she likes to complain about minor things to me through sms. One good example would be.........

"DeeDee! whats wrong with me!! I put on 2 1/2 kg since i joined gym!! Do i look bigger to you??"

And what happened previously before this sms to me, she was at the pool with her Ah Boon, where they were weighing themselves. After stepping off the weighing scale, she was feeling depressed and announced to him, "Im going to complain to DeeDee now!" and proceeds to message me.

"Aiyah......... you complain to her for what... You know she is going to scold you for being a bimbo or say something sarcastic again............. Don't waste your time....." Ah Boon drawls.

Bunny still decides to message me to see if her boyfriend is right.

"Wah lau. Are you bimbo or what. Muscles weigh heavier than fats lor!" Was my reply to her message. Being totally oblivious to what was happening at a pool in Singapore.

"Hahahaa..... My boyfriend knows u so well! He expected that answer from you!"

You bet bunny. Anyway, i told her that someone has to bring her back down to earth and tell her the truth sometime.

The other day, i was chatting with Ah Meow over Msn as well. at work. Haha..... She was contemplating whether she should go to the gym or not. Finally she decided not to go and proceeded on to ask what was i doing tonight. I replied saying that i was free and we agreeded to meet. I was suddenly inspired to call Mr Gorilla out as well (because she likes his company as well and i have not seen him for close to 2-3 months.) so i messaged him, "Hey Sexy. Are you free tonight? Two gorgeous ladies want to date you out tonight."

"Who are the 2 ladies?!"

After telling him who were the 2, he agreeded to meet and told me that he will meet at 8pm. Ah Meow and i are to eat our dinner at Marina Square first and he said he will call me when he reaches City Hall. So while i was enjoying my BBQ chicken, Mr Gorilla called and asked, "Where are you?"

"Marina Square lor..... where are you?"

"Wah lau! Dont be an ass lor! I mean........ where exactly are you?! Im in Marina Square already...."

"Hey!! Dun be rude lor! I thought you said you will call me when you reach City Hall....... how i know you walked so fast and got here already!"

And that was the start of all squabbles. When he arrived, he criticised my food (why my satay stick was not stuck well, why my chicken look so weird, why so little veggie, blahblah....) and proceeded to order the EXACT same set as mine. After dinner, he dragged Ah Meow and me to the cinema section to get his CUP CORN. On the way there, he was telling us how stressed he and Ah Beng was the other day, so they went to a few shops and traumatised the staff.....

1. Fresh Milk (name of the shop) - Gorilla walks in, "Excuse me, your shop is called Fresh Milk right?"

"Yes it is."

"So, do you have Breastmilk or not??!"


2. Chapter 2 (hairdressing salon) - Ah Beng walks in, "Hey, how many chapters do you have?!!"

3. Some sports shop - Ah Beng walks in, picks up an item and starts his mental calculation outloud, "Wah! This thing here is $XX more expensive than the other shop! I can buy XX amount of chicken rice with the extra money le!"

My god. I cant imagine them going around traumatising people like that. I thank god that i wasnt there. Anyway, im hungry now so i need to look for food... Stupid veggie burger.............

Sunday, November 20, 2005

it's time for a good rest. and i so badly need to get my butt down to the gym soon!!! Feeling so sluggish lately. This....... is the result of not exercising for the past 2 weeks. Yucks. I resolve that from next week onwards, i will go as many times as i can..... this is a new resolution! Wahahahaa.......

By the way guys, wish me luck for tomorrow! Hope all goes well and i can be free.... Wahahahaa........

Oh dear. I miss Him so. Time to move on!!!! :D

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Photos from my new phone...

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This is the butter cake that Ah Zai and i baked at my place some time ago. We were actually baking a cake for my ex collegue, Lady for her birthday we decided to use the same recipe for 2 cakes. Kill 2 birds with one stone mah.... So anyway, this was the butter cake before the frosting....... looks quite scary with the spotted effect though.

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Tah Dah!! The chocolate frosting which was just heavenly with the butter cake!

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Ah Zai baked some cookies for Hari Raya too! Yummy!!!

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The end result for Lady's cake. The story behind the wordings for this cake is super long. and not to mention backfire. Haha!! Don insisted that we do a word cut out stencil to do the name with icing sugar after i told him that i wanted to use some cream to pipe the words. So after much squabbling, i told him to do it since he wanted it that way and he did! Hahahaa... he so concientiously cut out every letter for me and when it was time to put the icing sugar, we realised that i ran out of it!! So our next alternative was to crush cornflakes and sprinkle on top..... Whahahaa.......

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Im feeling hungry looking at this man....

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My chinnie chin chins!!

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Mr Easy's retro looking slipper. Thought it was very cute so he removed it for me to take this photo!!

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A side profile of my now handsome brother. Wahaha.

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A nice shot of Susie because you just simply cant see his face. Nah! Kidding! :P

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The beautiful light up at Tangs. Think they spent a huge bomb on the decor every year.

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Gaz and i could not stop laughing after we took this shot of Ah Zai. So nerdy!!!! It started from the time Ah Zai started buttoning up the 2nd button, then i commented, "Haiyah! Might as well button all the way up lor!!" So he did. And Gaz made him wear his specs. Gosh. What a transformation.

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The bitchy Susie and Zai in BBC's Macs... "I tell you ahhhh....." - Susie.

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The cute knick knacks sitting on top of Ah Zai's mirror in his room! so darn cute lor!!

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Here we are decked out in our beautiful kebayas/bajus. Except for Law and Miss What. Ok la, at least Miss What's dress very floral. So quite peranakan also. Haha... This was the day where we just pigged out man!

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A cutie cat that i saw at a Sungei Kadut factory where i had to pick up a piece of marble for site! Soooooo cute.....

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Brownies!! Which Don and i call Garfield!

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Ahhhhhhhhh!!!! The gorgeous $1,200 (including insurance!) cat at Farharna's house!! I want........

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Bunny at Mos Burger.

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We both decided to take super BIMBOTIC shots, trying so hard to look and act cute, to spoof some famous pretty blogger who seems to be in the news now.... Hahahaaa! I look bad in this shot though..... Bunny trying for some act-cute-taiwanese-girl-or-jolin-tsai-look.

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Our next bimbotic shot. Both of us were laughing so hard while taking the photos.... and i was absolutely embarrased doing this. Gosh.

my gosh. what a week.

It has been one heck of a hectic week, super busy with work and the days just go past so quickly. Thinking you still might have another day to do your work, that day has passed! Wwooo!! Anyway, it has been a week of getting scoldings at work again. So much that i think i might be getting immune to it. Check with her, also get scolding. Dun check with her, she say why i never check with her. Give instruction myself, also get scolding. Dont get things done, also get scolding. Alamak. You tell me lar. i also give up.

I wanted to do something today, but it was not meant to be. Hopefully i will be able to do so on Monday and get it off my chest! Will reveal my plans later on if it is successful. Heh heh.

Today was an especially bad day. Went to site in the morning after breakfast with my mum and bro and my main objective was just to take photos of the site progress to show the client and go back to office to finish up the rest of my work. However, when i got there at 930am, i was happily taking photos using my phone, until one by one, the workers on site started to ask me questions about what to do.

"Eh, this one throw away?"

"Xiao jieeeeeee, the fridge in the maid's room cannot come out! The fridge is bigger than the new door opening! I have to take out the door frame!"

"Nnnnnooooo!!!! Dont remove my door frame!!"

"Then how?!!"

While i was discussing some stuff with the plumber/electrician, the guys who were supposed to clear the debris asked me this question. Shocked that i was suddenly thrown with so many things to settle on site (the stupid new site guy is quite CMI one and he came to site much later after i settled most of the stuff) so i had to think quickly! I stared at the humgungous 1970s looking fridge/cooler and wondered what to do with it. I told him to try removing the door of the fridge because it was quite thick. At first he was still insisting on removing the stupid door frame, but after i left him alone and continued talking to the plumber, he managed to remove the doors of the fridge and luckily the stupid fridge could be moved out of the pathetic maid's room. Phew!

Most of the delivery for the stuff on site started coming in as well, and i saw the solid surface counter top arrive and the men placing it against the wall. I walked off to the other bedrooms to settle more stuff with the plumber, and when i came out of the bedroom, the solid surface top was broken............... into 3 pieces!!


"Aaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!" went the plumber.

"AAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" i screamed.

The poor guys who delivered it looked so upset that i didnt dare to go near him. Apparently some clown kicked it and it broke! Oh dear........ Anyway, i was trying so hard to explain some site situation to my boss over the phone (im not allowed to give any instruction on site or rather check with her first) and i passed the phone to the plumber since she didnt understand me. But instead, the plumber speaks in a tone that makes people kan cheong and lao ban got even more pek chek when she didnt get him and she was screaming at me over the phone, "What is his bloody problem?! Why can't he blahblahblahblah...........!!" So in the end, he did what he was told over the phone after explaining for almost 15 mins and when i told my boss in the office what he did, she started to jump! (not literally of course.) In the end, she wanted us to do the very first option that we 2 were trying to tell her.


So, got scolded again. Haiz. I think my lao ban has transformed into a jiang si = vampire. The chinese version of vampire. She keeps "jumping" over everything now. Think need to stick that talisman on her forehead. Wah........... i think i better stop bitching about her man. She must be sneezing non stop now.

Wanted to go down for Susie's exhibition at National Library before 8pm but i could not make it on time. I think today is just a super suay day for me because nothing seem to go well for me. Was held up at work till 7 plus and i tried to take a cab down. Then i realised that i used my my cash for cab fare in the morning for site. And there is no ATM near my office. So i had to instruct Ah Zai to help me pay when i reach the library. But to my dismay, i could not get any cabs in the ulu zulu land of my office. So i resorted to taking a bus to the library, which meant that i missed the exhibition.

Met Gaz, Ah Zai and Ipan (Mr Sarcastic's gf) there and Gaz insisted on eating at the chicken rice place opposite Bugis but i didnt like the food there. Anyway, we went there and the auntie practically got all our orders wrong and the soup for my wanton mee was the prawn noodle soup and the wanton was the fried version (which was not what i wanted) and i didnt touch the noodles at all because it looked terrible. I think rubber bands would taste better. Ipan wanted just the wantons but the auntie gave her the noodle version instead. Poor Ah Zai wanted the soup version but the fried wantons simply dont go well with the soup! Gaz ate half a chicken by himself...........

For some reason, i wanted to bitch them (because i needed to relieve stress from work) but i backfired big time (as usual) and i got bitched by them instead!!! Suddenly had a craving for chocolate Swensons ice cream but none of them seemed to like Swensons so in the end, we ended up at Macs! Hahhaa!

Once at Macs, we tried to bitch Susie, but for some reason, he was 200% bitchier than all of us today!! So i just tried not to say anything for a while, because i was so tired anyway. I dunno what's wrong with me lately too. Feeling so tired and feel like eating a lot. Terrible. And not been going to gym because no time!!!! Badddd!!! Anyway, After we had our first round of food and drinks, Gaz asked, "Who is an angel here??"

Ah Zai and i pretended to ignore the question raised but Susie raised his hand up in the air like how one would in Primary school excitedly.

"Me Me!!" *snickers to himself*

"Ok!! Then be an angel and go help me buy a drink downstairs, can??" - Gaz

Susie looked super disappointed while Ah Zai and I laughed out loud bombastically.

"It's ok Susie. You stand at the top of the stairs, i push you down, then after you finish rolling down the stairs, and land. You will be a fallen angel................." - Me

-_- all round.

Ok, gotta go wash off the face mask now, its hardening up like cement on my face right now and i cant even open my mouth to drink water! Oh, and Ah Zai and Gaz joked that we should apply a layer of transparent clear like facial mask on our face before we go to any site. So that the dust will trap on the mask and protect our face instead! So after site, simply just tear off the mask and you are clean! HAhahahaaa!!

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I think i have abandoned my blog halfway somehow........ after not blogging for almost 2 weeks i must say?? Been so damn busy, no time to rest sometimes or either that, have absolutely no mood to blog. Anyway, i will write as much as i can remember...........

Have a brand new phone, Sony Ericsson K750i. Bought it after feeling so sianz and stressed from work and considering that i have not shopped much as well. Work has taken up the bulk of my time, not been going to the gym and i know i have not been eating properly as well. Sometimes, i wonder if this shows the amount of energy and passion one is willing to go through for the sake of the love of their job. Erm....... did i say that correctly? Anyway, i have thought out some changes that i might wanna implement in my life. Do something different and maybe take on a different path in life.

Went hari raya visiting with my usual Longang/Ah Long Gang bunch......... I cant explain how exhausting it can be, just going to friend's houses, sitting, nua-ing, eating, drinking, yakking and bitching!!! I started off the day by going to Safra Mount Faber to pass a Plan to a client as my boss had some changes to her schedule the day before and it involved me doing a half Amazing=Race-style running around the whole of Singapore. Anyway, after i was done with my work related stuff, i met up with Susie at Holland V. Think i was lacking in sleep the night before as well, so i was very lethargic and i wanted to take a cab down to Holland V (where his office is) from Tanjong Katong! But i backfired, because no cab driver stopped for me so i hopped onto Bus 7 and hoped that i wouldnt faint from hunger in the bus.

When i got to Holland V (decked out in my late grandma's 100% Genuine Nonya Kebaya..... wahahahah!) i met him at Bunalun......... This super high class posh looking store selling organic food. There, both of us decided to buy Ah Zai some nuts. As a gift for inviting us to his house for Hari Raya lar. I insisted on getting Hazelnuts for him while Susie thought that Ah Zai liked Almonds better! So after the 2 squirrels squabbled in front of the nut section for a long time, (the waiter even came over to ask if we needed help!) we decided to get something totally different - which was dried apple peels. I think anyway. After that purchase, Susie decided to go back to his office to change into his baju and i was scolding him all the way back to his office (which was actually only about 20 steps away from Bunalun). After he changed, i had a sudden craving for the XO fish soup at the other end of Holland V so despite me being super hungry and feeling faint.

So the 2 squirrels walked over to the famous XO fish soup store and to my disappointment, the store had just closed! (it was 2.30pm) and they had just taken their last order!! Once again, i had to scold Susie for insisting on changing before eating. After our lunch, we took the train to Ah Zai's house............ When we got to Jurong East Interchange, i decided to sms Ah Zai.

"The 2 squirrels are at Jurong west now. On the train to your place... See you soon!"

"What the hell are you 2 doing at Jurong West?? Ok, Im making myself more beautiful now..."

"It's ok. We have seen the worst of you already. - Susie. You can throw yourself onto oncoming traffic then dun need make up! - dee."

"Hahahahah! Guess what? The door will be locked when you arrive! So exciting....."

"It's ok. We are squirrels. we can climb through the window. We are very agile creatures. Remember?"

Its so fun and comforting to know that friends can insult each other like that and get away with it. Luckily, when we got to his place, his front door was wide open. So we breezed our way through. After the rest of the gang appeared, the food for the guests appeared!! Apparently from downstairs. (his auntie's flat i think) There was mee siam (without the usual sauce with it) and fried chicken wings. Which were.......... absolutely tasty!!! As it already is, i love eating mee siam without the sauce, just the noodles like that and i was so happy. The chicken wings were so good that all of us were fighting to get the last few chicken wings left! That poor Ah Zai didnt get a chance to even take one piece! I think he will never survive if he was a wild animal. Anyway, i commented to him that if i were him, i will be super fat by now because of the delicious food that he can get to eat EVERYDAY!! but dunno why he so skinny le........

So after Ah Zai's house, we trotted off (ok la, drove) to Gaz's house in Pasir Ris. Took Miss What's car with Gaz, Ah Zai and of course Miss What. I am a total loser in Pasir Ris area and i had absolutely no idea where i was and i kept trying to snooze for a while in the car but Ah Zai refused to let me! Anyway, when we got to Gaz's house, we watched Siti Nuraliza Live in Royal Albert Hall till it was time for us to eat........ again! Yes, the purpose of us going to each other's houses were to eat eat eat eat eat. Had this interesting bean like sauce/gravy and you are supposed to eat it with egg and bread! So breakfast and so nice! It was so sweet of Gaz's mum to cook a special plate for me because i was the only one who didnt eat beef! All of us were so scared that Ah Zai was allergic to that particular bean (that was used in the sauce/gravy) but luckily he is allegric to another type! So scary.......

Our next stop was Farharna's house (also in Pasir Ris, infact, just a few blocks away). Farharna was our classmate for a while in Yr 2 until she had to stop school because of health problems. I was pleasantly surprised to see a Garfield like cat the moment i stepped into her house!
Both Don and i screamed, "Ah!! Look at Garfield!!" (Actually, the name of that Garfield looking cat is called Brownies)

As usual, we talk talk talk talk and off to eat again!! By then, all of us felt like we were going to burst at our kebayas/bajus. Once again, there was some beef dish and it looked really nice! So we continued our chatting session and playing with her cats! One of her cats which is really really gorgeous was sitting under the sofa that Gaz was sitting on and it costs $1200 when they bought her! Wow!!! But her coat was so soft and so pretty............ Wanted to cat nap it home too......

Last but not least. was Si-ham aka Mr Sarcastic's place. I was exhausted by the time i reached his house and i was practically glued to his living room's floor horizontally. Could hardly eat anymore by the time i got there and i just kept staring at this pile of nuggets i dunno why. Must be too full already. So just see the food without eating it lor.

I think im getting old already. Cant blog for more than half an hour without feeling too tired. As usual, hope to blog tomorrow about that day when i realised that there was no more food for my chinchillas! And i had to look for food for them. Haha!

Monday, November 14, 2005

For everyone's entertainment sake. The msn conversation i had with Susie a few mins ago. Will continue my typing of my blog in a while..... this is just too good to forget.

deesquare says:
susie u there?

L'il Chief Shen* says:
yes xiao wei gan nise de...

L'il Chief Shen* says:
so crappy... ha ha...

L'il Chief Shen* says:
why? wassup?

deesquare says:
no. its wei xiao dan nise de

deesquare says:

deesquare says:
just remembered that nobody has paid me for jacq's and wan's bday present except for ah zai

L'il Chief Shen* says:
oh ya hor...

deesquare says:
heh heh. so i am here to chase u for money. true ah long styl

deesquare says:

deesquare says:

L'il Chief Shen* says:
no pig head leh...

L'il Chief Shen* says:
hee hee...

deesquare says:
wan's present is $** each and jacq's present is $** each

L'il Chief Shen* says:

deesquare says:
so u owe me $** ya?

L'il Chief Shen* says:
Ok lor...

L'il Chief Shen* says:
I no more pocket money liao lor...

L'il Chief Shen* says:

L'il Chief Shen* says:
Are you going to splash paint tonight? Ha ha ha...

deesquare says:
i just realised that im so poor because im $** poorer lor.

deesquare says:
splash paint ha. only if u dun pay up within 2 hours

deesquare says:

L'il Chief Shen* says:
Remember I want ICI matex white ok? Medi-shield ok?!!

L'il Chief Shen* says:
If not... Wash and wear also not bad...

L'il Chief Shen* says:
So occupational hazzard...

deesquare says:
dun talk so much lar!

L'il Chief Shen* says:
Ha ha ha...

L'il Chief Shen* says:
Oooh... I'm so scared...

deesquare says:
transfer the money to me now!

deesquare says:
fei hua siao suo!

deesquare says:
xian zai huan qian!!

deesquare says:

L'il Chief Shen* says:
Keke ke.... You took Chinese lessons huh?

L'il Chief Shen* says:
Ha ha ha...

deesquare says:
bloody hell

deesquare says:
so rude ah u

L'il Chief Shen* says:
Ha ha ha...

L'il Chief Shen* says:
But if you are really an Ah Long... I think people will die laughing lor...

L'il Chief Shen* says:
I think you better stick to Bad Debt Collector... It's more ang-mohfied...

deesquare says:
u enough or not

deesquare says:
wats ur bank? ocbc har?

L'il Chief Shen* says:
Somemore no need to threaten in chinese... Just sue...

deesquare says:
wah lau

L'il Chief Shen* says:
ya lor...

deesquare says:
this kind of people

deesquare says:
ok i give u my ocbc account no

deesquare says:
transfer it within 2 hours

deesquare says:
or else..................

L'il Chief Shen* says:
I don't know how to transfer lar!!!

L'il Chief Shen* says:

deesquare says:
wah lau! r u stupid or what?!

L'il Chief Shen* says:
Can i give you cold hard cash?

L'il Chief Shen* says:

L'il Chief Shen* says:
This I got to admit...

L'il Chief Shen* says:
You high tech Ah Long lor...

deesquare says:
i have no comments

deesquare says:
go to the atm n transfer lar!

L'il Chief Shen* says:
AT THIS HOUR?!! (It's 12.26am now as im blogging this.)

deesquare says:
tomorrow morning after ur breakfast u go n do it. see, i plan nice nice for u liao.........

L'il Chief Shen* says:

L'il Chief Shen* says:
You good lor... This kinda loan-shark... Complain to Beyonce and now plan for me to go to the teller... Ha ha ha...

deesquare says:

deesquare says:
how u know i complain to Beyonce?!

L'il Chief Shen* says:

L'il Chief Shen* says:
You think I THAT stupid huh?!!

deesquare says:

L'il Chief Shen* says: